Immunity: The Ultimate Weapon

Immunity: The Ultimate Weapon

It has been more than a year for the world fighting Covid-19. Corona Virus the deadly virus that it is has made our lives abnormal to an unrealistic level and the intensity of it growing. With millions of people dying and billions fighting this deadly virus, our immunity system have played a major role in this fight. But How does our immune system work? What does immunity mean? And most importantly How it impacts our fight against Covid-19 and How we can strengthen our immune system?
So, let’s find answer to all these questions: –
What is Immunity?
Immunity is our body’s ability to prevent the spread of viruses and bacteria inside our system. Whenever a virus enters our body, it is the task of immune system protect our body from it. Hence, we can say immune response is the body’s defence system to fight against antigens and protect the body and there are several types of immunity that includes innate immunity, passive immunity, and acquired/active immunity.
How immunity is important?
Since we already know that immune system protects us against all the viruses and diseases and also produces antibodies to kill pathogens. This goes same with the Coronavirus. Since there is very limited registered medicine or vaccine against COVID-19, to strengthen our immune system is the best we can do in the defence because it supports the body’s natural ability to defend against pathogens and resists infections. As long as the immune system is functioning normally, infections such as COVID-19 go unnoticed.
How we can strengthen our immune system?
With everyone talking about making our immune system strong and how it saves us against Coronavirus, it has become a great importance to know how we can do it. What are the ways to make our immune system strong? Here are some answers to your question: –
• Stay hydrated: –
Water plays many important roles in your body, including supporting your immune system. A fluid in your circulatory system called lymph, which carries important infection-fighting immune cells around your body, is largely made up of water. Being dehydrated slows down the movement of lymph, sometimes leading to an impaired immune system.

• Exercise regularly: –
When we say exercise, we are not asking you for the intense workout sessions. It is believed that intense exercises supress the immune system but when you exercise regularly but not intensely… It is good for immune system too.

• Get proper sleep: –
This doesn’t only mean getting the right number of hours of shutting eyes and laying in bed, but also doing what you can do to ensure quality sleep as well. Sleep certainly doesn’t feel like an active process, but there are plenty of important activities happening in your body when you’re not awake — even if you don’t realize it. For instance, important infection-fighting molecules are created while you sleep.

• Say no to stress: –
Sooner or later, stress always impacts our health. But it is important to understand how it impacts our immune system. When we stress over something our body responds to it by initiating stress response. This stress response piling up over the time supresses our immune system which is never a good thing in the times of coronavirus.

• Watch your diet: –
Your diet decides everything, so it is important to decide eating healthy. A healthy diet is key to strong and healthy immune system. Adding more whole plants and fermented food, fruits, fibres, healthy fats are easy ways safeguard ourselves against Covid-19.



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